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Outstanding Rare Bible Passages – Could The almighty Have Made a Mistake?

If Lord wrote the Scriptures or inspired typically the Bible, could God be responsible intended for making any mistakes that really must be corrected inside of of the Scriptures? If I had been the most smart entity ever (God) and had to be able to create something out of nothing like our planet, I should get able to write a flawless training manual like the Bible.

Here’s in order to Bible verses of which I would like you to take a new look at, but read them along with an open head. If these were not Bible verses and sentences in another book, could these kinds of actually be considered literal contradictions?

Genesis 32: 30 (King James Version) And John called the name associated with the place Peniel: for I possess seen God in person, and my life is preserved.

John 1: 18 (King James Version) No man hath seen The almighty at any period, the only begotten Son, which is inside the bosom associated with the Father, they hath declared your pet.

The first declaration says that Jacob seen God face-to-face, while the 2nd Bible verse says of which no man has seen God. It just doesn’t stop there. The second Bible verse says of which no man offers seen God without notice.

Let’s just say that God put these kinds of Bible verses inside too irritate individuals like myself, atheists, agnostics and even some doubting Christian believers. What’s verse today kjv behind it plus why would typically the Christian God intentionally try to befuddle any Christians who else are seeking to recognize the true meaning of Christianity.

We would love to hear a number of your responses regarding these Bible passages and why or why not you would likely think that they were or weren’t a contradiction.